Saturday, May 16, 2009

"Only Retard Do Not Hate Amerikkka"

World progressive comrade commenter Joe Feshbach, commenting on the video documentary Burn Amerikkka, wisely said :
It is true, the whole world really does hate Amerikkka. Can you blame them? There are millions of reasons to hate Amerikkka. Only retard do not hate Amerikkka.

This is the scientific proof that the WHOLE WORLD hate Amerikkka.

Death to Amerikkka!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Amerikkkan Cat Abuse

Amerikkka is the most DISGUSTING country in the history of the world. Amnerikkka is the country of cat abuse because Amerikkkans are cat abusers. Amerikkkans abuse cats. This is why the WHOLE WORLD hate Amerikkka.

Death to Amerikkka!