Amerikkka is the country of mental retards. This is true because there is even a song by enlightened progressive composer Wesley Willis titled "Retard Bus" which describes Amerikkka the country of the mental retard disgusting fat pigs as a country of mental retards.
On the other hand, world progressives who hate Amerikkka the country of the fat pigs are geniuses. This is true because all world progressives who hate Amerikkka are found in institutions of higher learning such as MIT.
This is why blogs devoted to fanatical boot licking of Amerikkka the country of the disgusting mental retard fat pigs are blogs of low education levels, but anti-amerikkkan blogs such as We Hate Amerikkka are of genius level as amply demonstrated here :
Those who love Amerikkka are retards. Those who hate Amerikkka are geniuses. This is why the WHOLE WORLD hate Amerikkka.
Hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Amerikkkan Cat Abuse

The WHOLE WORLD hate Amerikkka. This is because Amerikkka is the country of the Amerikkkan fat pigs which are disgusting. Amerikkkans are abusers of cats. They abuse the poor little cats in washing machines.
This is why the WHOLE WORLD hate Amerikkka.
Death to the Amerikkkan fat pigs! Death to Amerikkka!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Amerikkkan Child Abuse

There is a good reason why the WHOLE WORLD hate Amerikkka the country of the fat pigs. This is because Amerikkka the country of the fat pigs is the country of child abuse, where children are abused by the Amerikkkan fat pigs.
Amerikkkans learn to abuse of children at the early age of the school years, such being the Amerikkkan "education" system which is run by the bunch of mental retard fat pig imbeciles who are the Amerikkkan people, as exemplified by this story from the news which tells the tale of horrors from the amerikkkan schools :
Students in America's schools are groped. They're raped.
Such is the true evil face of Amerikkka the country of child abuse.
Death to Amerikkka!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Amerikkkan Cat Abuse

Stupid Amerikkkan fat pig warmongering murderers of Korean children are also the worst animal abusers in humankind history. They are the criminal fat pigs who abuse animals for the satisfaction of their criminal murderous impulses. This is revealed by the Amerikkkan fat pig soldiers' habits of abusing the kittens and puppies of Korea reveals the Stars and Stripes :
...most servicemembers are stationed in South Korea for only one or two years, and buying a pet is a decision they make on impulse, without thinking about whether they can care for it adequately.
Amerikkkans are cat abusers. This is why the WHOLE WORLD hate Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!
amerikkkan brutality,
amerikkkan idiot,
cat abuse
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Amerikkkan Organ Thievery
The Amerikkkan fat pigs are disgusting! They invade all world countries to kidnap the children of innocence and enslave them in salt mines and organ removals so the jews can make a profit of money from favoritism. We have found the unimpeacheable proof in this graph. We found this secret information with a google image search using the key words "pig" and "graph".

This graph clearly validates the progressive Turkish documentary "Valley of the Wolves, Iraq" which disclosed in a horrifying scene the jew doctor of the Amerikkkan death camp of Abu Graib to be removing organ from poor ethnic minority arab children for sale in London, Tel-Aviv, and New York.
This is why the WHOLE WORLD hate Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!!!

This graph clearly validates the progressive Turkish documentary "Valley of the Wolves, Iraq" which disclosed in a horrifying scene the jew doctor of the Amerikkkan death camp of Abu Graib to be removing organ from poor ethnic minority arab children for sale in London, Tel-Aviv, and New York.
This is why the WHOLE WORLD hate Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!!!
bad amerikkka,
child abuse,
human rights abuse,
war crimes
Monday, September 24, 2007
Amerikkkan Brutality
Capitalist state brutality against the socialist progressive thinkers. This is why the WHOLE WORLD hates Amerikkka the country of the disgusting fat pigs.

Death to Amerikkka!

Death to Amerikkka!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Amerikkkan War Crimes
Amerikkkan Cat Abuse
Amerikkka is the country of criminal retards who abuse cats for fun and games. This is why the WHOLE WORLD hates Amerikkka.

Death to Amerikkka!

Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkkan Fatso
This is why the whole world hates Amerikkka. Amerikkka is the country of disgusting fat pigs with lard for brains.

Death to Amerikkka!

Death to Amerikkka!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
The Whole World Hates Amerikkka
The WHOLE WORLD hate Amerikkka the disgusting country of the stupidest stupid presidents in the history of the world.
Moreso in France the nation of the Great Thinkers. There, the progressive artistic community, denounces the criminal amerikkkans as the dirty fat pigs soiling the world with their feet of criminal oppression.
But Europe is poised united in anti-amerikkkan progressive resolve of the Great Thinkers to repulse the onslaugth of the fat pigs, keeping the cradle of civilized artistic superiority pure and untouched.

Death to Amerikkka!
Moreso in France the nation of the Great Thinkers. There, the progressive artistic community, denounces the criminal amerikkkans as the dirty fat pigs soiling the world with their feet of criminal oppression.
But Europe is poised united in anti-amerikkkan progressive resolve of the Great Thinkers to repulse the onslaugth of the fat pigs, keeping the cradle of civilized artistic superiority pure and untouched.

Death to Amerikkka!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Amerikkkan Child Abuse
Only in Amerikkka! Amerikkka is the criminal country of the fat pig Amerikkkan child abusers throwing such an anti-child rage that they never stop at sealing children inside the walls of houses for insulation, as reported by the Jew-owned Amerikkkan newspapers : Baby found wrapped in bundle of newspaper dated 1925 in wall of Riverdale home
Disgusting child-abusing Amerikkkan murderers. This is why the WHOLE WORLD hates Amerikkka. Hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
"You always hope to find something in walls – coins, antiques – but never a baby," he said as he stood in front of the home on Kintyre Ave., near Broadview Ave. and Queen St. E., late last night.
Kinghorn, 37, who lives two doors away from the three-storey, semi-detached Riverdale area home, was about to drill a hole through a ceiling joist for wiring when he noticed a bundle of newspaper he first thought was insulation in a second floor bedroom of the empty home about 8 p.m.
He said he and a co-worker had noticed a strange smell in the room, but didn't realize what it was until he pulled the package out from the wall.
"When I opened it up, it exposed the child," he said.
The infant, which he estimated at about four months of age, was in a fetal position wrapped in a bundle of old newsprint and he could see tiny toes sticking out.
Disgusting child-abusing Amerikkkan murderers. This is why the WHOLE WORLD hates Amerikkka. Hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkkan Fatso

Amerikkka is the country of the fat pigs. Amerikkkans are fat pigs and disgusting fat monsters. There is the scientific proof that Amerikkka is a nation of mentally retarded fat pigs :
Le fait que l'obésité diminue l'intelligence est particulièrement déstabilisant si on considère qu'un américain sur cinq est obèse ce qui implique que plus de 52 millions d'adultes dans ce pays pourraient souffrir de fonctions mentales altérées. Pour rendre les choses encore pires, nous devons faire face à une épidémie d'obésité dans ce pays parmi les adultes et les enfants. Et les enfants aux USA deviennent de plus en plus gros pour les mêmes raisons que les adultes: l'alimentation typiquement américaine qui privilégie les nourritures animales...
Stupid fat pig Amerikkkan mental retards! This is why the WHOLE WORLD hates Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Amerikkkan Genocide
The WHOLE WORLD hates Amerikkka the country of genocide. Genocide is the systematic total extermination of poor ethnic minority people for capitalist gains of money in the pockets of the fat pig Amerikkkan criminal corporate consumerist gangsters of the US imperialists. Genocide was invented by the Amerikkkans as a means to steal the native peoples lands, way of life, and eardrums for sale in "Israel" the "country" of evil vampiric rats who drink poor ethnic minority palestinian children blood while eating eardrum cakes at will.
Amerikkka the country of racist mental retard fat pigs is guilty of genocide which is the worst in humankind history, a shame that all Amerikkkans and Kanadians must bear the burden in humiliation. This is why hating Amerikkka is a good thing. The WHOLE WORLD hates Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkka the country of racist mental retard fat pigs is guilty of genocide which is the worst in humankind history, a shame that all Amerikkkans and Kanadians must bear the burden in humiliation. This is why hating Amerikkka is a good thing. The WHOLE WORLD hates Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!
bad amerikkka,
child abuse,
human rights abuse,
war crimes
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
True Face Of Amerikkka
Amerikkka is the country of racism. Amerikkkans are racists. This is the thing that all the world knows. The French people know Amerikkkans are racists. There is the KKK in Amerikkka, which is the country of racism. This book shows Amerikkkan racism very well.

This is why the whole world hates Amerikkka. The whole world can't be wrong, so hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!

This is why the whole world hates Amerikkka. The whole world can't be wrong, so hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Amerikkkan War Crimes
The filthy digusting fat Amerikkkan pigs who are the world's worst human rights abusers in history are hated with good reason worldwide by all world people of humanity.
The Amerikkkan bloody trail of revolting war crimes is nothing new. In the 1940s the fat Amerikkkan pigs, working at the behest of the dirty big-nosed jews, launched a criminal world war of aggression against France to destroy the French spinach growers' livelyhood, as is proved by this French film of the 1940s castigating the Amerikkkan fat pigs as the worst human rights abusers in humankind history, bombing the French families out of the sheer desire to do evil upon the progressive peoples of the world for the profit of the filthy jews.
This is one more reason to hate Amerikkka!
Death to Amerikkka!
The Amerikkkan bloody trail of revolting war crimes is nothing new. In the 1940s the fat Amerikkkan pigs, working at the behest of the dirty big-nosed jews, launched a criminal world war of aggression against France to destroy the French spinach growers' livelyhood, as is proved by this French film of the 1940s castigating the Amerikkkan fat pigs as the worst human rights abusers in humankind history, bombing the French families out of the sheer desire to do evil upon the progressive peoples of the world for the profit of the filthy jews.
This is one more reason to hate Amerikkka!
Death to Amerikkka!
amerikkkan terrorism,
human rights abuse,
war crimes
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Amerikkkan Cat Abuse
Amerikkkans are not only the worst human rights abusers in humankind history. They are, and by far, the worst child abusers and topping that the Amerikkkans are the worst cat abusers in history and the latest unveiling of Amerikkkan crimes against cats, where a refrigerator acted as makeshift cat coffin proves this reality.
Amerikkkan abuse of cats is one more good reason to hate Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkkan abuse of cats is one more good reason to hate Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkkan Greed
The whole world hates Amerikkka, the country of selfish greed that steals everything in the world for the personal profit of the capitalist Bush and his criminal cowboy clique of crazy consumerists.
Amerikkkan greed knows no bounds, this is revealed by a study reported by CNN :
Stupid mental retard Amerikkkans! This is why the whole world hates you! Hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkkan greed knows no bounds, this is revealed by a study reported by CNN :
Gaudiani said Americans give twice as much as the next most charitable country, according to a November 2006 comparison done by the Charities Aid Foundation. In philanthropic giving as a percentage of gross domestic product, the U.S. ranked first at 1.7 percent. No. 2 Britain gave 0.73 percent, while France, with a 0.14 percent rate, trailed such countries as South Africa, Singapore, Turkey and Germany.
Stupid mental retard Amerikkkans! This is why the whole world hates you! Hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Amerikkkan Anorexia
Amerikkka is the country where everybody is stupidly anorexic. Amerikkka is the country of anorexia. This is why the whole world hates Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!
Death to Amerikkka!
amerikkkan anorexia,
child abuse,
women abuse
Friday, June 15, 2007
Amerikkka The Worst Human Rights Abuser
Friday, June 8, 2007
Amerikkkan Flag Friday
Friday, June 1, 2007
Amerikkkan Flag Friday
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Amerikkkan Tumble
Stupid Amerikkkans are are the stupidest stupids in the world. The stupid Amerikkkans can't even walk without taking a fall. Amerikkkan stupidity is a good reason to hate Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!
Death to Amerikkka!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Amerikkkan Fatso Child Abuse
Amerikkka is the wellspring of obesity and child abuse. Amerikkkans abuse their children with obesity. This is why hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Death to Amerikkka!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Amerikkka Is Bad
Amerikkka is bad for the world. Amerikkka is bad for science, medecine, and the mentally ill.

Death to Amerikkka!

Death to Amerikkka!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Hating Amerikkka Is Sane
Hating Amerikkka is the sane thing to do. Progressives hate Amerikkka and they are sane. But people who do not hate Amerikkka are insane. This is because Amerikkka itself is the world epicenter of insanity, which is reflected in its insane laws.
Hating Amerikkka is a good thing. Therefore the sane people who know what is good for them hate Amerikkka. But on the other hand, irresponsible and delusional people do not hate Amerikka. They poor victims of psychosis must be helped so they can see the light and join the ranks of work progressives who hate Amerikkka.
This fact is entirely true and verified by historical evidence. In the former socialist worker's paradise of the Soviet Union, the insane asylums were full of people who did not hate Amerikkka.
In present-day Cuba there is a similar situation where the insane asylums are filled with inmates commited because they do not hate Amerikkka. This is because sane Cuban people know that it is best to hate Amerikkka rather than not hate it.
This proves that while not hating Amerikkka is a sign of mental anguish, hating Amerikkka is a good, sane thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Hating Amerikkka is a good thing. Therefore the sane people who know what is good for them hate Amerikkka. But on the other hand, irresponsible and delusional people do not hate Amerikka. They poor victims of psychosis must be helped so they can see the light and join the ranks of work progressives who hate Amerikkka.
This fact is entirely true and verified by historical evidence. In the former socialist worker's paradise of the Soviet Union, the insane asylums were full of people who did not hate Amerikkka.
In present-day Cuba there is a similar situation where the insane asylums are filled with inmates commited because they do not hate Amerikkka. This is because sane Cuban people know that it is best to hate Amerikkka rather than not hate it.
This proves that while not hating Amerikkka is a sign of mental anguish, hating Amerikkka is a good, sane thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkkan Child Abuse
Amerikkka is the homeland of child abuse. Amerikkkans love child abuse so much they devote blogs to the topic of child abuse and they even build monuments to glorify child abuse.

Amerikkkans are child abusers. This is one more reason to hate Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!

Amerikkkans are child abusers. This is one more reason to hate Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Amerikkkan Psycho
Amerikkka is the country harboring the most numerous crazy murderers in the world. We see how easy it is for Amerikkkans to kill world oppressed minority children for profit when they can so readily kill their own children such as this true-blue all-amerikkkan so called "mother" : Alaska Mom Guilty of Killing 3 Sons
Amerikkkans are psychotic killers of children. This is why hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Lord testified this month that she killed the boys because she feared they had become evil clones or robots. She said she would have killed her 15-year-old daughter, too, had the girl been in the apartment.
Lord read a letter to the court in her unwavering monotone: ``Evil'' was ``telling me I have to kill the kids, I have to kill the kids right now, tonight.''
Amerikkkans are psychotic killers of children. This is why hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkkan Fatso
Amerikkkans are fat. And getting fatter by the minute. Must be all that oil, stolen from the poor ethnic minority Iraqi people, they consume ravenously. Stupid fat Amerikkkans.

Death to Amerikkka!

Death to Amerikkka!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Amerikkkan Terrorism
As our good anti-amerikkkan brother Comrade Professor Doctor Peter K. Fallon Ph.D. has already pointed out, Amerikkka is the biggest terrorist and supporter of terrorism country in humankind history. Lately the Amerikkkan terrorist supporters have been caught meddling illegally in the affairs of the Palestinian people, supporting anti-palestinian terror against the Palestinian people.
The criminal US imperialist Amerikkkan terrorists have been caught black-handed providing illegal weapons of murder to the Fatah criminal terror gang by the progressive human rights group and legitimate democratic Hamas Palestinian government says this report :
Amerikkkans provide assistance to terror gangs. Amerikkka is the Empire of Terrorism. That is why hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
The criminal US imperialist Amerikkkan terrorists have been caught black-handed providing illegal weapons of murder to the Fatah criminal terror gang by the progressive human rights group and legitimate democratic Hamas Palestinian government says this report :
Gaza sources say Hamas ambushed US convoy, seized stockpile of weapons aimed for Fatah militias
"We obtained the US weapons and will keep hijacking any assistance the Americans provide to Fatah. Our fighters are aware of the American and Israeli conspiracies to topple our government. We're trained and well prepared to defeat the American-backed (Palestinian) agents," said a top member of Hamas' military wing in the Gaza Strip.
Amerikkkans provide assistance to terror gangs. Amerikkka is the Empire of Terrorism. That is why hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkkan War Crimes
The criminal US imperialist Amerikkkans in pursuing their mad dream of world conquest to establish fascist rule over the entire world illegally invaded France on June 6th 1944, without even a resolution from the United Nations. This war crime against humanity remains unpinished to this day. One more reason why hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkkan Child Abuse
Child abuse is the very core of Amerikkkan so-called "family values", with three million cases of child abuse every day in Amerikkka. Amerikkkans are incapable of loving children. That is why hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Death to Amerikkka!
Monday, May 14, 2007
True Face Of Amerikkka
Amerikkka is the birthplace, cradle, and hotbed of the hated Nazis. Bush is a big Nazi as well as the entire Amerikkkan administration which is the most Nazi in humankind history. The is why it's a good thing to hate Amerikkka.
Death to Amerikkka!
Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkkan Cat Abuse
Amerikkkans find a sheer joy in abusing cats. Here is a story of cat abuse, the deed of an Amerikkkan : Man charged in cat abuse.
Cat abuse is the sign of Amerikkkan cruelty against man says a progressive expert : "People who will abuse, torture or kill an animal have hostility issues that could be directed at people as well".
Amerikkkans are sick cat abusers. So hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
The orange tabby, called Tiger, suffered burns to his feet -- possibly from boiling water -- along with a split lip, eye trauma and a broken tail last week. The traumatized one-year-old won't eat... Tiger's eye is blackened, possibly from a blow to the head, and his tail suffered such deep damage that it will likely have to be amputated.
Cat abuse is the sign of Amerikkkan cruelty against man says a progressive expert : "People who will abuse, torture or kill an animal have hostility issues that could be directed at people as well".
Amerikkkans are sick cat abusers. So hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Hate Amerikkka 2 Correspondance
The progressive educational video Hate Amerikkka 2 Death produced by Comrade Shubelmorgan got reactions from stupid Amerikkkan redkeck clowns who went away asking questions proving their mental retardation.
Here is the clear and lucid answer :
Hating Amerikkka is a good thing. Death to Amerikkka!
Thanks to Comrade Shubelmorgan.
Here is the clear and lucid answer :
Hating Amerikkka is a good thing. Death to Amerikkka!
Thanks to Comrade Shubelmorgan.
True Face Of Amerikkka
Amerikkka is a country of Nazis. This why hating Amerikkka is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Death to Amerikkka!
True Face Of Amerikkka
Sunday, May 13, 2007
True Face Of Amerikkka
Amerikkka is a country of racists who shoot niggers with guns for sport. Racism is the True Face of Amerikkka. This is why we hate Amerikkka.

Death to Amerikkka.

Death to Amerikkka.
Amerikkkan Fatso
Amerikkka is the country of obesity. Amerikkkans are fat and ugly. This is why we hate Amerikkka.

Death to Amerikkka!

Death to Amerikkka!
Amerikkkan Retards
In Amerikkka, mental retardation is the staple and mainstay of life. And it is a growing trend.

Death to Amerikkka!

Death to Amerikkka!
Wind And Rain
Stupid mental retard Amerikkkans can't withstand a little wind and rain.
Death to Amerikkka!
Death to Amerikkka!
Good News
Our good anti-amerikkkan brother Comrade Dr. Peter K. Fallon Ph.D. reports the good news of the death of more than 100 hated Amerikkkans in Iraq.
Let's rejoice together, anti-amerikkkan brothers!
Death to Amerikkka!
Let's rejoice together, anti-amerikkkan brothers!
Death to Amerikkka!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Hate Amerikkka 2
We hate Amerikkka. All world progressive hate Amerikkka. To hate Amerikkka we must hate Amerikkkans. Because Amerikkka is made possible by the existence of Amerikkkans, it is the proper outlook on life to hate Amerikkkans.
Death to Amerikkka!
Thanks to Comrade Shubelmorgan
Death to Amerikkka!
Thanks to Comrade Shubelmorgan
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Hate Amerikkka
Like all world progressive people, we hate Amerikkka.
Hating Amerikkka, the worst human rights abusing country in humankind history, is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Thanks to Comrade Shubelmorgan
Hating Amerikkka, the worst human rights abusing country in humankind history, is a good thing.
Death to Amerikkka!
Thanks to Comrade Shubelmorgan
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